This spacious studio offers over 350 sq.ft of daylight/blackout workspace and complete privacy with just a single entrance. Conveniently located next to the kitchen.

363.3 sq.ft Workspace
Movable Still Life Cove
Gigabit Ethernet com links to Digital Suite with 30min Battery Backup Power. Power: 10 x 13 amp, 2 x 32 amp & 4 x 16 amp
Daylight/Blackout Enabled
Digital wall mounted control system for sound, lighting, windows and blinds. Heating System/Fully Air Conditioned
Wifi Connectivity
Fibreoptic quality up to 100 Mbps upload & download.
Sound System
Integrated Meyer M1 sound system with iPod connection. Apple iMac, iPod dock and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Secure Parking
Secure parking area to rear of building.
Fully stocked refreshment area, with tea and coffee making facilities.

This compact but light and inspiring room has been designed specifically to provide a dual purpose. Not only is it ideal for preparing catering for clients, it is also an ideal space for preparation of dishes for food shoots.
- Fully equipped and operational High-Spec Kitchen
- Miele Convection Hob/Oven
- Ample Refrigerator and Freezer storage
- Exclusive Daylesford Organic Catering

Situated in the quiet basement area, the Digital Suite offers the silence and privacy required to allow uninterrupted & creative post-production.
- Quiet & Secluded basement location
- Gigabit Ethernet Data links to both studios
- 2 X hi-spec Apple G5 Workstations
- Large A1 Epson Inkjet Printer
- Client Hospitality Suite
digital suite
Situated in the quiet basement area, the Digital Suite offers the silence and privacy required to allow uninterrupted & creative post-production.
- Quiet & Secluded basement location
- Gigabit Ethernet Data links to both studios
- 2 X hi-spec Apple G5 Workstations
- Large A1 Epson Inkjet Printer
- Client Hospitality Suite